
Monday, 28 January 2013

Lip Balm Love: Balance Me Rose Otto Intensive Lip Salve

My lips hate cold weather and central heating and every year as soon as the temperature drops and the heating goes on, they become horribly dry and uncomfortable. Luckily, being the lip balm fiend that I am, I’m never more than a few feet away from a balm (I literally have them stashed all over the place). I’m not particularly fussy when it comes to balms – as long as they hydrate and taste ok, I’m happy. There has been one in particular that I’ve been favouring over others this winter though, Balance Me’s Rose Otto Intensive Lip Salve.

Balance Me Rose Otto Intensive Lip Salve

It contains a whole host of lovely hydrating and nourishing ingredients including 100%  hyaluronic acid, Shea butters, jojoba and virgin coconut oils, and is free of chemicals and nasties (it’s 100% natural).

It’s become my most reached for balm this year for a number of different reasons. Firstly, I’m in love with the fantastic, non-sticky formula which feels really comfortable and hydrating. Secondly, I love the beautiful Rose scent, which is quite lovely and sort of soothing, and thirdly, I love the packaging. The handy little squeeze-y tube and hygienic, slanted applicator are great, and much cleaner than stick or potted balms.

Balance Me Rose Otto Intensive Lip Salve

I find a small dab of the intensively hydrating balm is all that’s needed to add much needed moisture to my parched lips. The non-tacky formula feels comforting and soothing, absorbs quite quickly and leaves my lips feeling moisturised and soft. 

Overall, a fantastic lip balm, which feels great and does a brilliant job at moisturising and soothing dry, dehydrated lips.It's not the cheapest of balms at £12.00 for 10mls of product, but my little tube, which has been very heavily used over the past couple of months seems to be lasting forever. 


  1. Sounds lovely! I've been using the FAB Ultra Repair Lip Therapy, which I do kind of like, but sometimes it's a little too thick.

    1. I'm not really a fan of the thick ones either, Larie. I definitely prefer balms that actually sink in instead of sitting on top of lips.

  2. It sounds fantastic but I don't think we have this here on this side of the pond.


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